Tag: “Special” edition

  • Mach None

    Mach None

    Everyone knows the Mustang II was a product of trying times.  The enthusiast appeal, admittedly waning since the Mustang got a bit porky in 1971 and then the big block went away in 1972 and all engines got weezier, was completely sucked out at the Mustang II launch.  Yes, the car was based on the…

  • RARE! A Used 1978 Corvette Anniversary Edition!

    RARE! A Used 1978 Corvette Anniversary Edition!

    It seems like most of these – along with their Pace Car sisters – were put away in 1978 or thereabouts and have 100 miles or less on them.  This is rare because it was rode hard and put up wet.  Actually, we don’t know that – it’s possible that the garage collapsed on this…

  • “Special” 80s Eldorado

    “Special” 80s Eldorado

    What could be more special than a 1980s Cadillac Special Edition?!  This is a 1985 Eldorado Commemorative Edition, but we don’t know what it commemorated. We do know it has a fabulous fake convertible top and a continental kit and the seller claims low miles.  So, if this is your type of thing, this one…

  • The “Other” IROC: 1992 Dodge Daytona IROC R/T

    The “Other” IROC: 1992 Dodge Daytona IROC R/T

    Yes, there was a non-Camaro IROC once upon a time and it offered FWD.  This car was nothing to sneeze at, however, as it offered the Chrysler Turbo III also seen in the Spirit R/T, which was the fastest sedan made in America at the time. So, this little beast offered about 225HP and similar…

  • More NASCAR badness: 1992 Grand Prix Richard Petty Edition

    More NASCAR badness: 1992 Grand Prix Richard Petty Edition

    We’ve never  before seen a 1992 Grand Prix Richard Petty Edition, but that’s okay.  This is yet another GM NASCAR tribute car with decals added and little, if anything, else.  This one’s described as a parts car or restoration project.  We can guess which one it will end up… At $600, we don’t think it’s…

  • Not for US consumption: 1998 Mistubishi Pajero Jr. "Flying Pug"

    Not for US consumption: 1998 Mistubishi Pajero Jr. "Flying Pug"

    We’ve never seen one of these and probably won’t for years. This 1998 can’t be registered in the US for almost ten more years. This supposedly isn’t an official kei car due to size, but it’s in the same vain.  The Pajero Junior was a small SUV for the Japan market and this Flying Pug…

  • 90s Monte Carlos just don’t scream NASCAR enough in stock form

    90s Monte Carlos just don’t scream NASCAR enough in stock form

    To me, owning a front drive Monte Carlo is the same as screaming “I love NASCAR” from the hilltops.  The 80s SS, with V8 and RWD, was a different matter, but there’s really on appeal to the FWD Monte, which was really just an evolution of the rental car special Lumina.  Sure, a V8 popped…

  • Recent, yet Rare: Altima SE-R 6MT

    Recent, yet Rare: Altima SE-R 6MT

    The Altima SE-R was one of the best cars Nissan never really launched.  It came with an upgraded engine (vs. the regular V6 Altima), drove well, handled well, soundned great, had some cool interior bits and had beautiful forged wheels.  Why have you hardly heard of it?  It’s because almost nothing was spent to launch…

  • Storage unit find?  Porsche 924 Martini & Rossi Edition

    Storage unit find? Porsche 924 Martini & Rossi Edition

    Here we have a seller admitting this is a flip – the car came from a storage unit auction and they say they don’t know much about it.  Here we also have a Porsche 924, a car Porschephiles love to hate.  This car was engineered by Porsche for Volkswagen, who then pulled out of the…

  • This Blass is not Blasé

    This Blass is not Blasé

    When’s the last time you saw a Lincoln Mark VII in good shape?  Yeah, we thought it had been a while.  We generally prefer the sportier LSC, but this Bill Blass edition brings back memories of the family of two brothers and good friends back in the day.  Plus, well, designer co-brands fit in beautifully…